The holidays are approaching and every year, some people live in dread of the season, largely because they are doing something different than what they actually want to do.
Except last year. During quarantine, a number of people seized the opportunity to spend the holidays the way that they really wanted to. Even if what they wanted to do was nothing. And they liked it.
Unsurprisingly, the people enjoying the holidays are those that are doing what they want to do. I know, right now you are thinking about the list of people that would be disappointed, or even angry, if you didn’t show up for the dreaded event(s).
Well, let’s think about this for a moment. Is the person you most fear disappointing really going to be delighted by your begrudging attendance? If not, is it possible for you to weather their disappointment?
But wait, you say, I can’t jet off to Tahiti for four glorious days of peace and quiet. Actually, I’m pretty sure that you can, but OK, baby steps. How about you change the venue, the length of the visit, or even the menu?
What would happen if everyone did what they truly wanted to do instead of what they were supposed to do? Now those would be happy holidays.